Debian 12

In [ ]:
sudo apt install
In [ ]:
sudo usermod -aG docker saintway
In [ ]:
sudo service docker start
In [ ]:
sudo service docker status
In [ ]:
docker pull mysql
Using default tag: latest
latest: Pulling from library/mysql
Digest: sha256:1ee299bf9eb8d2218fcb4fad666a090c92caef48ce524e6edce35f2e2d55170d
Status: Image is up to date for mysql:latest
In [ ]:
docker run --name mobaichi -p -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=mobaichi -d mysql:8.0-debian
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON mobaichi.* TO 'ekp'@'';

Debian 11

In [ ]:
sudo apt install wget
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
sudo apt install lsb-release
In [ ]:
sudo dpkg -i ~/mysql-apt-config_0.8.26-1_all.deb
In [ ]:
sudo apt update
In [ ]:
sudo apt install mysql-server
In [ ]:
import random
import string
    random.choices(string.ascii_letters + string.digits, k=8)

# KQaJ6rYR
CREATE USER 'ekp'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'ekp';
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON mobaichi.* TO 'ekp'@'localhost';

Ubuntu 22

In [ ]:
sudo apt install mysql-server
In [ ]:
mysql --version
In [ ]:
sudo netstat -tunpl | grep mysql
In [ ]:
sudo service mysql status
CREATE USER 'ekp'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'ekp';
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON mobaichi.* TO 'ekp'@'localhost';

Debian 11

In [ ]:
sudo wget -O /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/php.gpg
sudo sh -c 'echo "deb $(lsb_release -sc) main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/php.list'
In [ ]:
sudo apt update
In [ ]:
sudo apt install php8.2
In [ ]:
php -v
PHP 8.2.12 (cli) (built: Oct 27 2023 13:01:32) (NTS)
Copyright (c) The PHP Group
Zend Engine v4.2.12, Copyright (c) Zend Technologies
    with Zend OPcache v8.2.12, Copyright (c), by Zend Technologies
In [ ]:
php --ini
Configuration File (php.ini) Path: /etc/php/8.2/cli
Loaded Configuration File:         /etc/php/8.2/cli/php.ini
Scan for additional .ini files in: /etc/php/8.2/cli/conf.d
Additional .ini files parsed:      /etc/php/8.2/cli/conf.d/10-mysqlnd.ini,

In [ ]:
php -m
[PHP Modules]
Zend OPcache

[Zend Modules]
Zend OPcache

In [ ]:
sudo apt install php8.2-bcmath
sudo apt install php8.2-curl
sudo apt install php8.2-dom
sudo apt install php8.2-gd
sudo apt install php8.2-intl
sudo apt install php8.2-mysql
sudo apt install php8.2-simplexml
sudo apt install php8.2-soap
sudo apt install php8.2-xsl
sudo apt install php8.2-zip
In [ ]:
sudo apt install php-mbstring
In [ ]:
composer global require psy/psysh
In [ ]:


In [ ]:
git clone
In [ ]:
cd ~/php-zmq && phpize && ./configure
cd ~/php-zmq && make
cd ~/php-zmq && sudo make install


In [ ]:
git clone ~/jupyter-php-kernel
In [ ]:
cd ~/jupyter-php-kernel && composer install
In [ ]:
git clone ~/jupyter-php-install
In [ ]:
cd ~/jupyter-php-install && composer install
In [ ]:
cd ~/jupyter-php-install && php src/EntryPoint/main.php -v install
In [ ]:
sudo apt install
In [ ]:
sudo usermod -aG docker saintway
In [ ]:
docker network create elastic
In [ ]:
docker pull
In [ ]:
docker run --name elasticsearch --net elastic -p 9200:9200 -p 9300:9300 -e "discovery.type=single-node" -t
In [ ]:
docker pull
7.17.13: Pulling from elasticsearch/elasticsearch

5e7b73a4: Pulling fs layer 
133c4766: Pulling fs layer 
ff004a8c: Pulling fs layer 
2bc75041: Pulling fs layer 
4cd7d8ab: Pulling fs layer 
59d44b65: Pulling fs layer 
e327c328: Pulling fs layer 
54e541f7: Pulling fs layer 
c4728702: Pulling fs layer 
Digest: sha256:67b2d720621da7092ef18fe5ccca2eeb7b863b55d4bcee30108224520aebd92c
Status: Downloaded newer image for
In [ ]:
docker run --name elasticsearch --net elastic -p -p -e "discovery.type=single-node"
In [ ]:
curl -X GET http://localhost:9200/
In [ ]:
docker start elasticsearch
docker logs elasticsearch
In [ ]:
sudo apt install apache2
In [ ]:
sudo apt install composer
In [ ]:
composer create-project --repository-url= magento/project-community-edition ~/magento2
In [ ]:
git clone ~/magento2
In [ ]:
cd ~/magento2 && git branch
In [ ]:
cd ~/magento2 && git fetch --tags
remote: Enumerating objects: 1173, done.        
remote: Counting objects: 100% (1173/1173), done.        
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (450/450), done.        
remote: Total 1173 (delta 661), reused 1065 (delta 638), pack-reused 0        
Receiving objects: 100% (1173/1173), 388.05 KiB | 3.66 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (661/661), completed with 46 local objects.
 * [new tag]                 2.4.4-p6    -> 2.4.4-p6
 * [new tag]                 2.4.5-p5    -> 2.4.5-p5
 * [new tag]                 2.4.6-p3    -> 2.4.6-p3
 * [new tag]                 2.4.7-beta2 -> 2.4.7-beta2
In [ ]:
cd ~/magento2 && git checkout 2.4.6-p3
Previous HEAD position was 37861a4025e Magento Release 2.4.6-p2
HEAD is now at 6cc0d28cf66 Magento Release 2.4.6-p3
In [ ]:
cd ~/magento2 && composer install
In [ ]:
import random
import string
    random.choices(string.ascii_lowercase + string.digits, k=7)

# --admin-firstname=i \
# --admin-lastname=sei \
# \
# --admin-user=ekp \
# --admin-password=5b0gs9x \
In [ ]:
cd ~/magento2/ && yes | bin/magento setup:uninstall
In [ ]:
cd ~/magento2/ && bin/magento setup:install \
--base-url= \
--db-host= \
--db-name=mobaichi \
--db-user=ekp \
--db-password=ekp \
--admin-firstname=i \
--admin-lastname=sei \ \
--admin-user=ekp \
--admin-password=5b0gs9x \
--language=ja_JP \
--currency=JPY \
--timezone=Asia/Tokyo \
--use-rewrites=1 \
--search-engine=elasticsearch7 \
--elasticsearch-host=localhost \
--elasticsearch-port=9200 \
--elasticsearch-index-prefix=mobaichi \
Starting Magento installation:
File permissions check...
[Progress: 1 / 851]
Required extensions check...
[Progress: 2 / 851]
Enabling Maintenance Mode...
[Progress: 3 / 851]
Installing deployment configuration...
[Progress: 4 / 851]
Installing database schema:
Schema creation/updates:
Module 'Magento_AdminAnalytics':
[Progress: 5 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Store':
[Progress: 6 / 851]
Module 'Magento_AdvancedPricingImportExport':
[Progress: 7 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Directory':
[Progress: 8 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Amqp':
[Progress: 9 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Config':
[Progress: 10 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Theme':
[Progress: 11 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Backend':
[Progress: 12 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Variable':
[Progress: 13 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Search':
[Progress: 14 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Backup':
[Progress: 15 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Eav':
[Progress: 16 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Customer':
[Progress: 17 / 851]
Module 'Magento_BundleImportExport':
[Progress: 18 / 851]
Module 'Magento_CacheInvalidate':
[Progress: 19 / 851]
Module 'Magento_AdminNotification':
[Progress: 20 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Indexer':
[Progress: 21 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Cms':
[Progress: 22 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Security':
[Progress: 23 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Authorization':
[Progress: 24 / 851]
Module 'Magento_GraphQl':
[Progress: 25 / 851]
Module 'Magento_StoreGraphQl':
[Progress: 26 / 851]
Module 'Magento_CatalogImportExport':
[Progress: 27 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Catalog':
[Progress: 28 / 851]
Module 'Magento_CatalogInventory':
[Progress: 29 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Rule':
[Progress: 30 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Payment':
[Progress: 31 / 851]
Module 'Magento_CatalogRuleGraphQl':
[Progress: 32 / 851]
Module 'Magento_CatalogRule':
[Progress: 33 / 851]
Module 'Magento_CatalogUrlRewrite':
[Progress: 34 / 851]
Module 'Magento_EavGraphQl':
[Progress: 35 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Widget':
[Progress: 36 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Quote':
[Progress: 37 / 851]
Module 'Magento_SalesSequence':
[Progress: 38 / 851]
Module 'Magento_CheckoutAgreementsGraphQl':
[Progress: 39 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Bundle':
[Progress: 40 / 851]
Module 'Magento_CmsGraphQl':
[Progress: 41 / 851]
Module 'Magento_CmsUrlRewrite':
[Progress: 42 / 851]
Module 'Magento_CmsUrlRewriteGraphQl':
[Progress: 43 / 851]
Module 'Magento_CatalogGraphQl':
[Progress: 44 / 851]
Module 'Magento_User':
[Progress: 45 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Msrp':
[Progress: 46 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Sales':
[Progress: 47 / 851]
Module 'Magento_QuoteGraphQl':
[Progress: 48 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Checkout':
[Progress: 49 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Contact':
[Progress: 50 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Cookie':
[Progress: 51 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Cron':
[Progress: 52 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Csp':
[Progress: 53 / 851]
Module 'Magento_CurrencySymbol':
[Progress: 54 / 851]
Module 'Magento_CatalogCustomerGraphQl':
[Progress: 55 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Integration':
[Progress: 56 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Downloadable':
[Progress: 57 / 851]
Module 'Magento_CustomerGraphQl':
[Progress: 58 / 851]
Module 'Magento_CustomerImportExport':
[Progress: 59 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Deploy':
[Progress: 60 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Developer':
[Progress: 61 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Dhl':
[Progress: 62 / 851]
Module 'Magento_AsynchronousOperations':
[Progress: 63 / 851]
Module 'Magento_DirectoryGraphQl':
[Progress: 64 / 851]
Module 'Magento_DownloadableGraphQl':
[Progress: 65 / 851]
Module 'Magento_CustomerDownloadableGraphQl':
[Progress: 66 / 851]
Module 'Magento_ImportExport':
[Progress: 67 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Captcha':
[Progress: 68 / 851]
Module 'Magento_BundleGraphQl':
[Progress: 69 / 851]
Module 'Magento_CatalogSearch':
[Progress: 70 / 851]
Module 'Magento_AdvancedSearch':
[Progress: 71 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Email':
[Progress: 72 / 851]
Module 'Magento_EncryptionKey':
[Progress: 73 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Fedex':
[Progress: 74 / 851]
Module 'Magento_GiftMessage':
[Progress: 75 / 851]
Module 'Magento_GiftMessageGraphQl':
[Progress: 76 / 851]
Module 'Magento_GoogleAdwords':
[Progress: 77 / 851]
Module 'Magento_GoogleAnalytics':
[Progress: 78 / 851]
Module 'Magento_GoogleGtag':
[Progress: 79 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Ui':
[Progress: 80 / 851]
Module 'Magento_CatalogCmsGraphQl':
[Progress: 81 / 851]
Module 'Magento_PageCache':
[Progress: 82 / 851]
Module 'Magento_GroupedProduct':
[Progress: 83 / 851]
Module 'Magento_GroupedImportExport':
[Progress: 84 / 851]
Module 'Magento_GroupedCatalogInventory':
[Progress: 85 / 851]
Module 'Magento_GroupedProductGraphQl':
[Progress: 86 / 851]
Module 'Magento_DownloadableImportExport':
[Progress: 87 / 851]
Module 'Magento_ConfigurableProduct':
[Progress: 88 / 851]
Module 'Magento_InstantPurchase':
[Progress: 89 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Analytics':
[Progress: 90 / 851]
Module 'Magento_JwtFrameworkAdapter':
[Progress: 91 / 851]
Module 'Magento_JwtUserToken':
[Progress: 92 / 851]
Module 'Magento_LayeredNavigation':
[Progress: 93 / 851]
Module 'Magento_LoginAsCustomer':
[Progress: 94 / 851]
Module 'Magento_LoginAsCustomerAdminUi':
[Progress: 95 / 851]
Module 'Magento_LoginAsCustomerApi':
[Progress: 96 / 851]
Module 'Magento_LoginAsCustomerAssistance':
[Progress: 97 / 851]
Module 'Magento_LoginAsCustomerFrontendUi':
[Progress: 98 / 851]
Module 'Magento_LoginAsCustomerGraphQl':
[Progress: 99 / 851]
Module 'Magento_LoginAsCustomerLog':
[Progress: 100 / 851]
Module 'Magento_LoginAsCustomerPageCache':
[Progress: 101 / 851]
Module 'Magento_LoginAsCustomerQuote':
[Progress: 102 / 851]
Module 'Magento_LoginAsCustomerSales':
[Progress: 103 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Marketplace':
[Progress: 104 / 851]
Module 'Magento_MediaContent':
[Progress: 105 / 851]
Module 'Magento_MediaContentApi':
[Progress: 106 / 851]
Module 'Magento_MediaContentCatalog':
[Progress: 107 / 851]
Module 'Magento_MediaContentCms':
[Progress: 108 / 851]
Module 'Magento_MediaContentSynchronization':
[Progress: 109 / 851]
Module 'Magento_MediaContentSynchronizationApi':
[Progress: 110 / 851]
Module 'Magento_MediaContentSynchronizationCatalog':
[Progress: 111 / 851]
Module 'Magento_MediaContentSynchronizationCms':
[Progress: 112 / 851]
Module 'Magento_MediaGallery':
[Progress: 113 / 851]
Module 'Magento_MediaGalleryApi':
[Progress: 114 / 851]
Module 'Magento_MediaGalleryCatalog':
[Progress: 115 / 851]
Module 'Magento_MediaGalleryCatalogIntegration':
[Progress: 116 / 851]
Module 'Magento_MediaGalleryCatalogUi':
[Progress: 117 / 851]
Module 'Magento_MediaGalleryCmsUi':
[Progress: 118 / 851]
Module 'Magento_MediaGalleryIntegration':
[Progress: 119 / 851]
Module 'Magento_MediaGalleryMetadata':
[Progress: 120 / 851]
Module 'Magento_MediaGalleryMetadataApi':
[Progress: 121 / 851]
Module 'Magento_MediaGalleryRenditions':
[Progress: 122 / 851]
Module 'Magento_MediaGalleryRenditionsApi':
[Progress: 123 / 851]
Module 'Magento_MediaGallerySynchronization':
[Progress: 124 / 851]
Module 'Magento_MediaGallerySynchronizationApi':
[Progress: 125 / 851]
Module 'Magento_MediaGallerySynchronizationMetadata':
[Progress: 126 / 851]
Module 'Magento_MediaGalleryUi':
[Progress: 127 / 851]
Module 'Magento_MediaGalleryUiApi':
[Progress: 128 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Robots':
[Progress: 129 / 851]
Module 'Magento_MessageQueue':
[Progress: 130 / 851]
Module 'Magento_CatalogRuleConfigurable':
[Progress: 131 / 851]
Module 'Magento_MsrpConfigurableProduct':
[Progress: 132 / 851]
Module 'Magento_MsrpGroupedProduct':
[Progress: 133 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Multishipping':
[Progress: 134 / 851]
Module 'Magento_MysqlMq':
[Progress: 135 / 851]
Module 'Magento_NewRelicReporting':
[Progress: 136 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Newsletter':
[Progress: 137 / 851]
Module 'Magento_NewsletterGraphQl':
[Progress: 138 / 851]
Module 'Magento_OfflinePayments':
[Progress: 139 / 851]
Module 'Magento_SalesRule':
[Progress: 140 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Elasticsearch':
[Progress: 141 / 851]
Module 'Magento_GraphQlCache':
[Progress: 142 / 851]
Module 'Magento_CardinalCommerce':
[Progress: 143 / 851]
Module 'Magento_PaymentGraphQl':
[Progress: 144 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Vault':
[Progress: 145 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Paypal':
[Progress: 146 / 851]
Module 'Magento_PaypalGraphQl':
[Progress: 147 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Persistent':
[Progress: 148 / 851]
Module 'Magento_ProductAlert':
[Progress: 149 / 851]
Module 'Magento_ProductVideo':
[Progress: 150 / 851]
Module 'Magento_CheckoutAgreements':
[Progress: 151 / 851]
Module 'Magento_QuoteAnalytics':
[Progress: 152 / 851]
Module 'Magento_QuoteBundleOptions':
[Progress: 153 / 851]
Module 'Magento_QuoteConfigurableOptions':
[Progress: 154 / 851]
Module 'Magento_QuoteDownloadableLinks':
[Progress: 155 / 851]
Module 'Magento_ConfigurableProductGraphQl':
[Progress: 156 / 851]
Module 'Magento_RelatedProductGraphQl':
[Progress: 157 / 851]
Module 'Magento_ReleaseNotification':
[Progress: 158 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Sitemap':
[Progress: 159 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Reports':
[Progress: 160 / 851]
Module 'Magento_RequireJs':
[Progress: 161 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Review':
[Progress: 162 / 851]
Module 'Magento_ReviewAnalytics':
[Progress: 163 / 851]
Module 'Magento_ReviewGraphQl':
[Progress: 164 / 851]
Module 'Magento_MediaStorage':
[Progress: 165 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Rss':
[Progress: 166 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Elasticsearch7':
[Progress: 167 / 851]
Module 'Magento_ConfigurableProductSales':
[Progress: 168 / 851]
Module 'Magento_SalesAnalytics':
[Progress: 169 / 851]
Module 'Magento_SalesGraphQl':
[Progress: 170 / 851]
Module 'Magento_SalesInventory':
[Progress: 171 / 851]
Module 'Magento_OfflineShipping':
[Progress: 172 / 851]
Module 'Magento_ConfigurableImportExport':
[Progress: 173 / 851]
Module 'Magento_UrlRewrite':
[Progress: 174 / 851]
Module 'Magento_OpenSearch':
[Progress: 175 / 851]
Module 'Magento_CustomerAnalytics':
[Progress: 176 / 851]
Module 'Magento_SendFriend':
[Progress: 177 / 851]
Module 'Magento_SendFriendGraphQl':
[Progress: 178 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Shipping':
[Progress: 179 / 851]
Module 'Magento_RemoteStorage':
[Progress: 180 / 851]
Module 'Magento_AwsS3':
[Progress: 181 / 851]
Module 'Magento_UrlRewriteGraphQl':
[Progress: 182 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Webapi':
[Progress: 183 / 851]
Module 'Magento_SwaggerWebapi':
[Progress: 184 / 851]
Module 'Magento_SwaggerWebapiAsync':
[Progress: 185 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Swatches':
[Progress: 186 / 851]
Module 'Magento_SwatchesGraphQl':
[Progress: 187 / 851]
Module 'Magento_SwatchesLayeredNavigation':
[Progress: 188 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Tax':
[Progress: 189 / 851]
Module 'Magento_TaxGraphQl':
[Progress: 190 / 851]
Module 'Magento_TaxImportExport':
[Progress: 191 / 851]
Module 'Magento_CompareListGraphQl':
[Progress: 192 / 851]
Module 'Magento_ThemeGraphQl':
[Progress: 193 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Translation':
[Progress: 194 / 851]
Module 'Magento_GoogleOptimizer':
[Progress: 195 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Ups':
[Progress: 196 / 851]
Module 'Magento_SampleData':
[Progress: 197 / 851]
Module 'Magento_CatalogUrlRewriteGraphQl':
[Progress: 198 / 851]
Module 'Magento_CatalogAnalytics':
[Progress: 199 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Usps':
[Progress: 200 / 851]
Module 'Magento_CatalogInventoryGraphQl':
[Progress: 201 / 851]
Module 'Magento_PaypalCaptcha':
[Progress: 202 / 851]
Module 'Magento_VaultGraphQl':
[Progress: 203 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Version':
[Progress: 204 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Swagger':
[Progress: 205 / 851]
Module 'Magento_WebapiAsync':
[Progress: 206 / 851]
Module 'Magento_WebapiSecurity':
[Progress: 207 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Weee':
[Progress: 208 / 851]
Module 'Magento_WeeeGraphQl':
[Progress: 209 / 851]
Module 'Magento_CatalogWidget':
[Progress: 210 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Wishlist':
[Progress: 211 / 851]
Module 'Magento_WishlistAnalytics':
[Progress: 212 / 851]
Module 'Magento_WishlistGraphQl':
[Progress: 213 / 851]
Schema post-updates:
Module 'Magento_AdminAnalytics':
[Progress: 214 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Store':
[Progress: 215 / 851]
Module 'Magento_AdvancedPricingImportExport':
[Progress: 216 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Directory':
[Progress: 217 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Amqp':
Running schema recurring...
[Progress: 218 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Config':
[Progress: 219 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Theme':
[Progress: 220 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Backend':
[Progress: 221 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Variable':
[Progress: 222 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Search':
[Progress: 223 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Backup':
[Progress: 224 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Eav':
[Progress: 225 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Customer':
[Progress: 226 / 851]
Module 'Magento_BundleImportExport':
[Progress: 227 / 851]
Module 'Magento_CacheInvalidate':
[Progress: 228 / 851]
Module 'Magento_AdminNotification':
[Progress: 229 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Indexer':
Running schema recurring...
[Progress: 230 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Cms':
[Progress: 231 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Security':
[Progress: 232 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Authorization':
[Progress: 233 / 851]
Module 'Magento_GraphQl':
[Progress: 234 / 851]
Module 'Magento_StoreGraphQl':
[Progress: 235 / 851]
Module 'Magento_CatalogImportExport':
[Progress: 236 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Catalog':
Running schema recurring...
[Progress: 237 / 851]
Module 'Magento_CatalogInventory':
Running schema recurring...
[Progress: 238 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Rule':
[Progress: 239 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Payment':
[Progress: 240 / 851]
Module 'Magento_CatalogRuleGraphQl':
[Progress: 241 / 851]
Module 'Magento_CatalogRule':
[Progress: 242 / 851]
Module 'Magento_CatalogUrlRewrite':
Running schema recurring...
[Progress: 243 / 851]
Module 'Magento_EavGraphQl':
[Progress: 244 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Widget':
[Progress: 245 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Quote':
[Progress: 246 / 851]
Module 'Magento_SalesSequence':
Running schema recurring...
[Progress: 247 / 851]
Module 'Magento_CheckoutAgreementsGraphQl':
[Progress: 248 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Bundle':
Running schema recurring...
[Progress: 249 / 851]
Module 'Magento_CmsGraphQl':
[Progress: 250 / 851]
Module 'Magento_CmsUrlRewrite':
[Progress: 251 / 851]
Module 'Magento_CmsUrlRewriteGraphQl':
[Progress: 252 / 851]
Module 'Magento_CatalogGraphQl':
[Progress: 253 / 851]
Module 'Magento_User':
[Progress: 254 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Msrp':
[Progress: 255 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Sales':
[Progress: 256 / 851]
Module 'Magento_QuoteGraphQl':
[Progress: 257 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Checkout':
[Progress: 258 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Contact':
[Progress: 259 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Cookie':
[Progress: 260 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Cron':
Running schema recurring...
[Progress: 261 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Csp':
[Progress: 262 / 851]
Module 'Magento_CurrencySymbol':
[Progress: 263 / 851]
Module 'Magento_CatalogCustomerGraphQl':
[Progress: 264 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Integration':
Running schema recurring...
[Progress: 265 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Downloadable':
[Progress: 266 / 851]
Module 'Magento_CustomerGraphQl':
[Progress: 267 / 851]
Module 'Magento_CustomerImportExport':
[Progress: 268 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Deploy':
[Progress: 269 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Developer':
[Progress: 270 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Dhl':
[Progress: 271 / 851]
Module 'Magento_AsynchronousOperations':
[Progress: 272 / 851]
Module 'Magento_DirectoryGraphQl':
[Progress: 273 / 851]
Module 'Magento_DownloadableGraphQl':
[Progress: 274 / 851]
Module 'Magento_CustomerDownloadableGraphQl':
[Progress: 275 / 851]
Module 'Magento_ImportExport':
[Progress: 276 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Captcha':
[Progress: 277 / 851]
Module 'Magento_BundleGraphQl':
[Progress: 278 / 851]
Module 'Magento_CatalogSearch':
[Progress: 279 / 851]
Module 'Magento_AdvancedSearch':
[Progress: 280 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Email':
[Progress: 281 / 851]
Module 'Magento_EncryptionKey':
[Progress: 282 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Fedex':
[Progress: 283 / 851]
Module 'Magento_GiftMessage':
[Progress: 284 / 851]
Module 'Magento_GiftMessageGraphQl':
[Progress: 285 / 851]
Module 'Magento_GoogleAdwords':
[Progress: 286 / 851]
Module 'Magento_GoogleAnalytics':
[Progress: 287 / 851]
Module 'Magento_GoogleGtag':
[Progress: 288 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Ui':
[Progress: 289 / 851]
Module 'Magento_CatalogCmsGraphQl':
[Progress: 290 / 851]
Module 'Magento_PageCache':
[Progress: 291 / 851]
Module 'Magento_GroupedProduct':
[Progress: 292 / 851]
Module 'Magento_GroupedImportExport':
[Progress: 293 / 851]
Module 'Magento_GroupedCatalogInventory':
[Progress: 294 / 851]
Module 'Magento_GroupedProductGraphQl':
[Progress: 295 / 851]
Module 'Magento_DownloadableImportExport':
[Progress: 296 / 851]
Module 'Magento_ConfigurableProduct':
Running schema recurring...
[Progress: 297 / 851]
Module 'Magento_InstantPurchase':
[Progress: 298 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Analytics':
[Progress: 299 / 851]
Module 'Magento_JwtFrameworkAdapter':
[Progress: 300 / 851]
Module 'Magento_JwtUserToken':
[Progress: 301 / 851]
Module 'Magento_LayeredNavigation':
[Progress: 302 / 851]
Module 'Magento_LoginAsCustomer':
[Progress: 303 / 851]
Module 'Magento_LoginAsCustomerAdminUi':
[Progress: 304 / 851]
Module 'Magento_LoginAsCustomerApi':
[Progress: 305 / 851]
Module 'Magento_LoginAsCustomerAssistance':
[Progress: 306 / 851]
Module 'Magento_LoginAsCustomerFrontendUi':
[Progress: 307 / 851]
Module 'Magento_LoginAsCustomerGraphQl':
[Progress: 308 / 851]
Module 'Magento_LoginAsCustomerLog':
[Progress: 309 / 851]
Module 'Magento_LoginAsCustomerPageCache':
[Progress: 310 / 851]
Module 'Magento_LoginAsCustomerQuote':
[Progress: 311 / 851]
Module 'Magento_LoginAsCustomerSales':
[Progress: 312 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Marketplace':
[Progress: 313 / 851]
Module 'Magento_MediaContent':
[Progress: 314 / 851]
Module 'Magento_MediaContentApi':
[Progress: 315 / 851]
Module 'Magento_MediaContentCatalog':
[Progress: 316 / 851]
Module 'Magento_MediaContentCms':
[Progress: 317 / 851]
Module 'Magento_MediaContentSynchronization':
[Progress: 318 / 851]
Module 'Magento_MediaContentSynchronizationApi':
[Progress: 319 / 851]
Module 'Magento_MediaContentSynchronizationCatalog':
[Progress: 320 / 851]
Module 'Magento_MediaContentSynchronizationCms':
[Progress: 321 / 851]
Module 'Magento_MediaGallery':
[Progress: 322 / 851]
Module 'Magento_MediaGalleryApi':
[Progress: 323 / 851]
Module 'Magento_MediaGalleryCatalog':
[Progress: 324 / 851]
Module 'Magento_MediaGalleryCatalogIntegration':
[Progress: 325 / 851]
Module 'Magento_MediaGalleryCatalogUi':
[Progress: 326 / 851]
Module 'Magento_MediaGalleryCmsUi':
[Progress: 327 / 851]
Module 'Magento_MediaGalleryIntegration':
[Progress: 328 / 851]
Module 'Magento_MediaGalleryMetadata':
[Progress: 329 / 851]
Module 'Magento_MediaGalleryMetadataApi':
[Progress: 330 / 851]
Module 'Magento_MediaGalleryRenditions':
[Progress: 331 / 851]
Module 'Magento_MediaGalleryRenditionsApi':
[Progress: 332 / 851]
Module 'Magento_MediaGallerySynchronization':
[Progress: 333 / 851]
Module 'Magento_MediaGallerySynchronizationApi':
[Progress: 334 / 851]
Module 'Magento_MediaGallerySynchronizationMetadata':
[Progress: 335 / 851]
Module 'Magento_MediaGalleryUi':
[Progress: 336 / 851]
Module 'Magento_MediaGalleryUiApi':
[Progress: 337 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Robots':
[Progress: 338 / 851]
Module 'Magento_MessageQueue':
Running schema recurring...
[Progress: 339 / 851]
Module 'Magento_CatalogRuleConfigurable':
[Progress: 340 / 851]
Module 'Magento_MsrpConfigurableProduct':
[Progress: 341 / 851]
Module 'Magento_MsrpGroupedProduct':
[Progress: 342 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Multishipping':
[Progress: 343 / 851]
Module 'Magento_MysqlMq':
Running schema recurring...
[Progress: 344 / 851]
Module 'Magento_NewRelicReporting':
[Progress: 345 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Newsletter':
[Progress: 346 / 851]
Module 'Magento_NewsletterGraphQl':
[Progress: 347 / 851]
Module 'Magento_OfflinePayments':
[Progress: 348 / 851]
Module 'Magento_SalesRule':
[Progress: 349 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Elasticsearch':
[Progress: 350 / 851]
Module 'Magento_GraphQlCache':
[Progress: 351 / 851]
Module 'Magento_CardinalCommerce':
[Progress: 352 / 851]
Module 'Magento_PaymentGraphQl':
[Progress: 353 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Vault':
[Progress: 354 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Paypal':
[Progress: 355 / 851]
Module 'Magento_PaypalGraphQl':
[Progress: 356 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Persistent':
[Progress: 357 / 851]
Module 'Magento_ProductAlert':
Running schema recurring...
[Progress: 358 / 851]
Module 'Magento_ProductVideo':
[Progress: 359 / 851]
Module 'Magento_CheckoutAgreements':
[Progress: 360 / 851]
Module 'Magento_QuoteAnalytics':
[Progress: 361 / 851]
Module 'Magento_QuoteBundleOptions':
[Progress: 362 / 851]
Module 'Magento_QuoteConfigurableOptions':
[Progress: 363 / 851]
Module 'Magento_QuoteDownloadableLinks':
[Progress: 364 / 851]
Module 'Magento_ConfigurableProductGraphQl':
[Progress: 365 / 851]
Module 'Magento_RelatedProductGraphQl':
[Progress: 366 / 851]
Module 'Magento_ReleaseNotification':
[Progress: 367 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Sitemap':
[Progress: 368 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Reports':
Running schema recurring...
[Progress: 369 / 851]
Module 'Magento_RequireJs':
[Progress: 370 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Review':
[Progress: 371 / 851]
Module 'Magento_ReviewAnalytics':
[Progress: 372 / 851]
Module 'Magento_ReviewGraphQl':
[Progress: 373 / 851]
Module 'Magento_MediaStorage':
[Progress: 374 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Rss':
[Progress: 375 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Elasticsearch7':
[Progress: 376 / 851]
Module 'Magento_ConfigurableProductSales':
[Progress: 377 / 851]
Module 'Magento_SalesAnalytics':
[Progress: 378 / 851]
Module 'Magento_SalesGraphQl':
[Progress: 379 / 851]
Module 'Magento_SalesInventory':
[Progress: 380 / 851]
Module 'Magento_OfflineShipping':
[Progress: 381 / 851]
Module 'Magento_ConfigurableImportExport':
[Progress: 382 / 851]
Module 'Magento_UrlRewrite':
[Progress: 383 / 851]
Module 'Magento_OpenSearch':
[Progress: 384 / 851]
Module 'Magento_CustomerAnalytics':
[Progress: 385 / 851]
Module 'Magento_SendFriend':
[Progress: 386 / 851]
Module 'Magento_SendFriendGraphQl':
[Progress: 387 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Shipping':
[Progress: 388 / 851]
Module 'Magento_RemoteStorage':
[Progress: 389 / 851]
Module 'Magento_AwsS3':
[Progress: 390 / 851]
Module 'Magento_UrlRewriteGraphQl':
[Progress: 391 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Webapi':
[Progress: 392 / 851]
Module 'Magento_SwaggerWebapi':
[Progress: 393 / 851]
Module 'Magento_SwaggerWebapiAsync':
[Progress: 394 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Swatches':
[Progress: 395 / 851]
Module 'Magento_SwatchesGraphQl':
[Progress: 396 / 851]
Module 'Magento_SwatchesLayeredNavigation':
[Progress: 397 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Tax':
[Progress: 398 / 851]
Module 'Magento_TaxGraphQl':
[Progress: 399 / 851]
Module 'Magento_TaxImportExport':
[Progress: 400 / 851]
Module 'Magento_CompareListGraphQl':
[Progress: 401 / 851]
Module 'Magento_ThemeGraphQl':
[Progress: 402 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Translation':
[Progress: 403 / 851]
Module 'Magento_GoogleOptimizer':
[Progress: 404 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Ups':
[Progress: 405 / 851]
Module 'Magento_SampleData':
[Progress: 406 / 851]
Module 'Magento_CatalogUrlRewriteGraphQl':
[Progress: 407 / 851]
Module 'Magento_CatalogAnalytics':
[Progress: 408 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Usps':
[Progress: 409 / 851]
Module 'Magento_CatalogInventoryGraphQl':
[Progress: 410 / 851]
Module 'Magento_PaypalCaptcha':
[Progress: 411 / 851]
Module 'Magento_VaultGraphQl':
[Progress: 412 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Version':
[Progress: 413 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Swagger':
[Progress: 414 / 851]
Module 'Magento_WebapiAsync':
[Progress: 415 / 851]
Module 'Magento_WebapiSecurity':
[Progress: 416 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Weee':
Running schema recurring...
[Progress: 417 / 851]
Module 'Magento_WeeeGraphQl':
[Progress: 418 / 851]
Module 'Magento_CatalogWidget':
[Progress: 419 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Wishlist':
Running schema recurring...
[Progress: 420 / 851]
Module 'Magento_WishlistAnalytics':
[Progress: 421 / 851]
Module 'Magento_WishlistGraphQl':
[Progress: 422 / 851]
[Progress: 423 / 851]
Installing search configuration...
[Progress: 424 / 851]
Validating remote storage configuration...
[Progress: 425 / 851]
Installing user configuration...
[Progress: 426 / 851]
Enabling caches:
Current status:
config: 1
layout: 1
block_html: 1
collections: 1
reflection: 1
db_ddl: 1
compiled_config: 1
eav: 1
customer_notification: 1
config_integration: 1
config_integration_api: 1
full_page: 1
config_webservice: 1
translate: 1
[Progress: 427 / 851]
Installing data...
Data install/update:
Disabling caches:
Current status:
layout: 0
block_html: 0
full_page: 0
Module 'Magento_AdminAnalytics':
[Progress: 428 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Store':
[Progress: 429 / 851]
Module 'Magento_AdvancedPricingImportExport':
[Progress: 430 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Directory':
[Progress: 431 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Amqp':
[Progress: 432 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Config':
[Progress: 433 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Theme':
[Progress: 434 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Backend':
[Progress: 435 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Variable':
[Progress: 436 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Search':
[Progress: 437 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Backup':
[Progress: 438 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Eav':
[Progress: 439 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Customer':
[Progress: 440 / 851]
Module 'Magento_BundleImportExport':
[Progress: 441 / 851]
Module 'Magento_CacheInvalidate':
[Progress: 442 / 851]
Module 'Magento_AdminNotification':
[Progress: 443 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Indexer':
[Progress: 444 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Cms':
[Progress: 445 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Security':
[Progress: 446 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Authorization':
[Progress: 447 / 851]
Module 'Magento_GraphQl':
[Progress: 448 / 851]
Module 'Magento_StoreGraphQl':
[Progress: 449 / 851]
Module 'Magento_CatalogImportExport':
[Progress: 450 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Catalog':
[Progress: 451 / 851]
Module 'Magento_CatalogInventory':
[Progress: 452 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Rule':
[Progress: 453 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Payment':
[Progress: 454 / 851]
Module 'Magento_CatalogRuleGraphQl':
[Progress: 455 / 851]
Module 'Magento_CatalogRule':
[Progress: 456 / 851]
Module 'Magento_CatalogUrlRewrite':
[Progress: 457 / 851]
Module 'Magento_EavGraphQl':
[Progress: 458 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Widget':
[Progress: 459 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Quote':
[Progress: 460 / 851]
Module 'Magento_SalesSequence':
[Progress: 461 / 851]
Module 'Magento_CheckoutAgreementsGraphQl':
[Progress: 462 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Bundle':
[Progress: 463 / 851]
Module 'Magento_CmsGraphQl':
[Progress: 464 / 851]
Module 'Magento_CmsUrlRewrite':
[Progress: 465 / 851]
Module 'Magento_CmsUrlRewriteGraphQl':
[Progress: 466 / 851]
Module 'Magento_CatalogGraphQl':
[Progress: 467 / 851]
Module 'Magento_User':
[Progress: 468 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Msrp':
[Progress: 469 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Sales':
[Progress: 470 / 851]
Module 'Magento_QuoteGraphQl':
[Progress: 471 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Checkout':
[Progress: 472 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Contact':
[Progress: 473 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Cookie':
[Progress: 474 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Cron':
[Progress: 475 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Csp':
[Progress: 476 / 851]
Module 'Magento_CurrencySymbol':
[Progress: 477 / 851]
Module 'Magento_CatalogCustomerGraphQl':
[Progress: 478 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Integration':
[Progress: 479 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Downloadable':
[Progress: 480 / 851]
Module 'Magento_CustomerGraphQl':
[Progress: 481 / 851]
Module 'Magento_CustomerImportExport':
[Progress: 482 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Deploy':
[Progress: 483 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Developer':
[Progress: 484 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Dhl':
[Progress: 485 / 851]
Module 'Magento_AsynchronousOperations':
[Progress: 486 / 851]
Module 'Magento_DirectoryGraphQl':
[Progress: 487 / 851]
Module 'Magento_DownloadableGraphQl':
[Progress: 488 / 851]
Module 'Magento_CustomerDownloadableGraphQl':
[Progress: 489 / 851]
Module 'Magento_ImportExport':
[Progress: 490 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Captcha':
[Progress: 491 / 851]
Module 'Magento_BundleGraphQl':
[Progress: 492 / 851]
Module 'Magento_CatalogSearch':
[Progress: 493 / 851]
Module 'Magento_AdvancedSearch':
[Progress: 494 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Email':
[Progress: 495 / 851]
Module 'Magento_EncryptionKey':
[Progress: 496 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Fedex':
[Progress: 497 / 851]
Module 'Magento_GiftMessage':
[Progress: 498 / 851]
Module 'Magento_GiftMessageGraphQl':
[Progress: 499 / 851]
Module 'Magento_GoogleAdwords':
[Progress: 500 / 851]
Module 'Magento_GoogleAnalytics':
[Progress: 501 / 851]
Module 'Magento_GoogleGtag':
[Progress: 502 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Ui':
[Progress: 503 / 851]
Module 'Magento_CatalogCmsGraphQl':
[Progress: 504 / 851]
Module 'Magento_PageCache':
[Progress: 505 / 851]
Module 'Magento_GroupedProduct':
[Progress: 506 / 851]
Module 'Magento_GroupedImportExport':
[Progress: 507 / 851]
Module 'Magento_GroupedCatalogInventory':
[Progress: 508 / 851]
Module 'Magento_GroupedProductGraphQl':
[Progress: 509 / 851]
Module 'Magento_DownloadableImportExport':
[Progress: 510 / 851]
Module 'Magento_ConfigurableProduct':
[Progress: 511 / 851]
Module 'Magento_InstantPurchase':
[Progress: 512 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Analytics':
[Progress: 513 / 851]
Module 'Magento_JwtFrameworkAdapter':
[Progress: 514 / 851]
Module 'Magento_JwtUserToken':
[Progress: 515 / 851]
Module 'Magento_LayeredNavigation':
[Progress: 516 / 851]
Module 'Magento_LoginAsCustomer':
[Progress: 517 / 851]
Module 'Magento_LoginAsCustomerAdminUi':
[Progress: 518 / 851]
Module 'Magento_LoginAsCustomerApi':
[Progress: 519 / 851]
Module 'Magento_LoginAsCustomerAssistance':
[Progress: 520 / 851]
Module 'Magento_LoginAsCustomerFrontendUi':
[Progress: 521 / 851]
Module 'Magento_LoginAsCustomerGraphQl':
[Progress: 522 / 851]
Module 'Magento_LoginAsCustomerLog':
[Progress: 523 / 851]
Module 'Magento_LoginAsCustomerPageCache':
[Progress: 524 / 851]
Module 'Magento_LoginAsCustomerQuote':
[Progress: 525 / 851]
Module 'Magento_LoginAsCustomerSales':
[Progress: 526 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Marketplace':
[Progress: 527 / 851]
Module 'Magento_MediaContent':
[Progress: 528 / 851]
Module 'Magento_MediaContentApi':
[Progress: 529 / 851]
Module 'Magento_MediaContentCatalog':
[Progress: 530 / 851]
Module 'Magento_MediaContentCms':
[Progress: 531 / 851]
Module 'Magento_MediaContentSynchronization':
[Progress: 532 / 851]
Module 'Magento_MediaContentSynchronizationApi':
[Progress: 533 / 851]
Module 'Magento_MediaContentSynchronizationCatalog':
[Progress: 534 / 851]
Module 'Magento_MediaContentSynchronizationCms':
[Progress: 535 / 851]
Module 'Magento_MediaGallery':
[Progress: 536 / 851]
Module 'Magento_MediaGalleryApi':
[Progress: 537 / 851]
Module 'Magento_MediaGalleryCatalog':
[Progress: 538 / 851]
Module 'Magento_MediaGalleryCatalogIntegration':
[Progress: 539 / 851]
Module 'Magento_MediaGalleryCatalogUi':
[Progress: 540 / 851]
Module 'Magento_MediaGalleryCmsUi':
[Progress: 541 / 851]
Module 'Magento_MediaGalleryIntegration':
[Progress: 542 / 851]
Module 'Magento_MediaGalleryMetadata':
[Progress: 543 / 851]
Module 'Magento_MediaGalleryMetadataApi':
[Progress: 544 / 851]
Module 'Magento_MediaGalleryRenditions':
[Progress: 545 / 851]
Module 'Magento_MediaGalleryRenditionsApi':
[Progress: 546 / 851]
Module 'Magento_MediaGallerySynchronization':
[Progress: 547 / 851]
Module 'Magento_MediaGallerySynchronizationApi':
[Progress: 548 / 851]
Module 'Magento_MediaGallerySynchronizationMetadata':
[Progress: 549 / 851]
Module 'Magento_MediaGalleryUi':
[Progress: 550 / 851]
Module 'Magento_MediaGalleryUiApi':
[Progress: 551 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Robots':
[Progress: 552 / 851]
Module 'Magento_MessageQueue':
[Progress: 553 / 851]
Module 'Magento_CatalogRuleConfigurable':
[Progress: 554 / 851]
Module 'Magento_MsrpConfigurableProduct':
[Progress: 555 / 851]
Module 'Magento_MsrpGroupedProduct':
[Progress: 556 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Multishipping':
[Progress: 557 / 851]
Module 'Magento_MysqlMq':
[Progress: 558 / 851]
Module 'Magento_NewRelicReporting':
[Progress: 559 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Newsletter':
[Progress: 560 / 851]
Module 'Magento_NewsletterGraphQl':
[Progress: 561 / 851]
Module 'Magento_OfflinePayments':
[Progress: 562 / 851]
Module 'Magento_SalesRule':
[Progress: 563 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Elasticsearch':
[Progress: 564 / 851]
Module 'Magento_GraphQlCache':
[Progress: 565 / 851]
Module 'Magento_CardinalCommerce':
[Progress: 566 / 851]
Module 'Magento_PaymentGraphQl':
[Progress: 567 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Vault':
[Progress: 568 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Paypal':
[Progress: 569 / 851]
Module 'Magento_PaypalGraphQl':
[Progress: 570 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Persistent':
[Progress: 571 / 851]
Module 'Magento_ProductAlert':
[Progress: 572 / 851]
Module 'Magento_ProductVideo':
[Progress: 573 / 851]
Module 'Magento_CheckoutAgreements':
[Progress: 574 / 851]
Module 'Magento_QuoteAnalytics':
[Progress: 575 / 851]
Module 'Magento_QuoteBundleOptions':
[Progress: 576 / 851]
Module 'Magento_QuoteConfigurableOptions':
[Progress: 577 / 851]
Module 'Magento_QuoteDownloadableLinks':
[Progress: 578 / 851]
Module 'Magento_ConfigurableProductGraphQl':
[Progress: 579 / 851]
Module 'Magento_RelatedProductGraphQl':
[Progress: 580 / 851]
Module 'Magento_ReleaseNotification':
[Progress: 581 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Sitemap':
[Progress: 582 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Reports':
[Progress: 583 / 851]
Module 'Magento_RequireJs':
[Progress: 584 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Review':
[Progress: 585 / 851]
Module 'Magento_ReviewAnalytics':
[Progress: 586 / 851]
Module 'Magento_ReviewGraphQl':
[Progress: 587 / 851]
Module 'Magento_MediaStorage':
[Progress: 588 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Rss':
[Progress: 589 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Elasticsearch7':
[Progress: 590 / 851]
Module 'Magento_ConfigurableProductSales':
[Progress: 591 / 851]
Module 'Magento_SalesAnalytics':
[Progress: 592 / 851]
Module 'Magento_SalesGraphQl':
[Progress: 593 / 851]
Module 'Magento_SalesInventory':
[Progress: 594 / 851]
Module 'Magento_OfflineShipping':
[Progress: 595 / 851]
Module 'Magento_ConfigurableImportExport':
[Progress: 596 / 851]
Module 'Magento_UrlRewrite':
[Progress: 597 / 851]
Module 'Magento_OpenSearch':
[Progress: 598 / 851]
Module 'Magento_CustomerAnalytics':
[Progress: 599 / 851]
Module 'Magento_SendFriend':
[Progress: 600 / 851]
Module 'Magento_SendFriendGraphQl':
[Progress: 601 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Shipping':
[Progress: 602 / 851]
Module 'Magento_RemoteStorage':
[Progress: 603 / 851]
Module 'Magento_AwsS3':
[Progress: 604 / 851]
Module 'Magento_UrlRewriteGraphQl':
[Progress: 605 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Webapi':
[Progress: 606 / 851]
Module 'Magento_SwaggerWebapi':
[Progress: 607 / 851]
Module 'Magento_SwaggerWebapiAsync':
[Progress: 608 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Swatches':
[Progress: 609 / 851]
Module 'Magento_SwatchesGraphQl':
[Progress: 610 / 851]
Module 'Magento_SwatchesLayeredNavigation':
[Progress: 611 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Tax':
[Progress: 612 / 851]
Module 'Magento_TaxGraphQl':
[Progress: 613 / 851]
Module 'Magento_TaxImportExport':
[Progress: 614 / 851]
Module 'Magento_CompareListGraphQl':
[Progress: 615 / 851]
Module 'Magento_ThemeGraphQl':
[Progress: 616 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Translation':
[Progress: 617 / 851]
Module 'Magento_GoogleOptimizer':
[Progress: 618 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Ups':
[Progress: 619 / 851]
Module 'Magento_SampleData':
[Progress: 620 / 851]
Module 'Magento_CatalogUrlRewriteGraphQl':
[Progress: 621 / 851]
Module 'Magento_CatalogAnalytics':
[Progress: 622 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Usps':
[Progress: 623 / 851]
Module 'Magento_CatalogInventoryGraphQl':
[Progress: 624 / 851]
Module 'Magento_PaypalCaptcha':
[Progress: 625 / 851]
Module 'Magento_VaultGraphQl':
[Progress: 626 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Version':
[Progress: 627 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Swagger':
[Progress: 628 / 851]
Module 'Magento_WebapiAsync':
[Progress: 629 / 851]
Module 'Magento_WebapiSecurity':
[Progress: 630 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Weee':
[Progress: 631 / 851]
Module 'Magento_WeeeGraphQl':
[Progress: 632 / 851]
Module 'Magento_CatalogWidget':
[Progress: 633 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Wishlist':
[Progress: 634 / 851]
Module 'Magento_WishlistAnalytics':
[Progress: 635 / 851]
Module 'Magento_WishlistGraphQl':
[Progress: 636 / 851]
Data post-updates:
Module 'Magento_AdminAnalytics':
[Progress: 637 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Store':
[Progress: 638 / 851]
Module 'Magento_AdvancedPricingImportExport':
[Progress: 639 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Directory':
[Progress: 640 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Amqp':
[Progress: 641 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Config':
[Progress: 642 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Theme':
Running data recurring...
[Progress: 643 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Backend':
[Progress: 644 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Variable':
[Progress: 645 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Search':
[Progress: 646 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Backup':
[Progress: 647 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Eav':
[Progress: 648 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Customer':
Running data recurring...
[Progress: 649 / 851]
Module 'Magento_BundleImportExport':
[Progress: 650 / 851]
Module 'Magento_CacheInvalidate':
[Progress: 651 / 851]
Module 'Magento_AdminNotification':
[Progress: 652 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Indexer':
[Progress: 653 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Cms':
[Progress: 654 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Security':
[Progress: 655 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Authorization':
[Progress: 656 / 851]
Module 'Magento_GraphQl':
[Progress: 657 / 851]
Module 'Magento_StoreGraphQl':
[Progress: 658 / 851]
Module 'Magento_CatalogImportExport':
[Progress: 659 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Catalog':
[Progress: 660 / 851]
Module 'Magento_CatalogInventory':
[Progress: 661 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Rule':
[Progress: 662 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Payment':
[Progress: 663 / 851]
Module 'Magento_CatalogRuleGraphQl':
[Progress: 664 / 851]
Module 'Magento_CatalogRule':
[Progress: 665 / 851]
Module 'Magento_CatalogUrlRewrite':
[Progress: 666 / 851]
Module 'Magento_EavGraphQl':
[Progress: 667 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Widget':
[Progress: 668 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Quote':
[Progress: 669 / 851]
Module 'Magento_SalesSequence':
Running data recurring...
[Progress: 670 / 851]
Module 'Magento_CheckoutAgreementsGraphQl':
[Progress: 671 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Bundle':
[Progress: 672 / 851]
Module 'Magento_CmsGraphQl':
[Progress: 673 / 851]
Module 'Magento_CmsUrlRewrite':
[Progress: 674 / 851]
Module 'Magento_CmsUrlRewriteGraphQl':
[Progress: 675 / 851]
Module 'Magento_CatalogGraphQl':
[Progress: 676 / 851]
Module 'Magento_User':
[Progress: 677 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Msrp':
[Progress: 678 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Sales':
[Progress: 679 / 851]
Module 'Magento_QuoteGraphQl':
[Progress: 680 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Checkout':
[Progress: 681 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Contact':
[Progress: 682 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Cookie':
[Progress: 683 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Cron':
[Progress: 684 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Csp':
[Progress: 685 / 851]
Module 'Magento_CurrencySymbol':
[Progress: 686 / 851]
Module 'Magento_CatalogCustomerGraphQl':
[Progress: 687 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Integration':
[Progress: 688 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Downloadable':
[Progress: 689 / 851]
Module 'Magento_CustomerGraphQl':
[Progress: 690 / 851]
Module 'Magento_CustomerImportExport':
[Progress: 691 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Deploy':
[Progress: 692 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Developer':
[Progress: 693 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Dhl':
[Progress: 694 / 851]
Module 'Magento_AsynchronousOperations':
[Progress: 695 / 851]
Module 'Magento_DirectoryGraphQl':
[Progress: 696 / 851]
Module 'Magento_DownloadableGraphQl':
[Progress: 697 / 851]
Module 'Magento_CustomerDownloadableGraphQl':
[Progress: 698 / 851]
Module 'Magento_ImportExport':
[Progress: 699 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Captcha':
[Progress: 700 / 851]
Module 'Magento_BundleGraphQl':
[Progress: 701 / 851]
Module 'Magento_CatalogSearch':
[Progress: 702 / 851]
Module 'Magento_AdvancedSearch':
[Progress: 703 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Email':
[Progress: 704 / 851]
Module 'Magento_EncryptionKey':
[Progress: 705 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Fedex':
[Progress: 706 / 851]
Module 'Magento_GiftMessage':
[Progress: 707 / 851]
Module 'Magento_GiftMessageGraphQl':
[Progress: 708 / 851]
Module 'Magento_GoogleAdwords':
[Progress: 709 / 851]
Module 'Magento_GoogleAnalytics':
[Progress: 710 / 851]
Module 'Magento_GoogleGtag':
[Progress: 711 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Ui':
[Progress: 712 / 851]
Module 'Magento_CatalogCmsGraphQl':
[Progress: 713 / 851]
Module 'Magento_PageCache':
[Progress: 714 / 851]
Module 'Magento_GroupedProduct':
[Progress: 715 / 851]
Module 'Magento_GroupedImportExport':
[Progress: 716 / 851]
Module 'Magento_GroupedCatalogInventory':
[Progress: 717 / 851]
Module 'Magento_GroupedProductGraphQl':
[Progress: 718 / 851]
Module 'Magento_DownloadableImportExport':
[Progress: 719 / 851]
Module 'Magento_ConfigurableProduct':
[Progress: 720 / 851]
Module 'Magento_InstantPurchase':
[Progress: 721 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Analytics':
[Progress: 722 / 851]
Module 'Magento_JwtFrameworkAdapter':
[Progress: 723 / 851]
Module 'Magento_JwtUserToken':
[Progress: 724 / 851]
Module 'Magento_LayeredNavigation':
[Progress: 725 / 851]
Module 'Magento_LoginAsCustomer':
[Progress: 726 / 851]
Module 'Magento_LoginAsCustomerAdminUi':
[Progress: 727 / 851]
Module 'Magento_LoginAsCustomerApi':
[Progress: 728 / 851]
Module 'Magento_LoginAsCustomerAssistance':
[Progress: 729 / 851]
Module 'Magento_LoginAsCustomerFrontendUi':
[Progress: 730 / 851]
Module 'Magento_LoginAsCustomerGraphQl':
[Progress: 731 / 851]
Module 'Magento_LoginAsCustomerLog':
[Progress: 732 / 851]
Module 'Magento_LoginAsCustomerPageCache':
[Progress: 733 / 851]
Module 'Magento_LoginAsCustomerQuote':
[Progress: 734 / 851]
Module 'Magento_LoginAsCustomerSales':
[Progress: 735 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Marketplace':
[Progress: 736 / 851]
Module 'Magento_MediaContent':
[Progress: 737 / 851]
Module 'Magento_MediaContentApi':
[Progress: 738 / 851]
Module 'Magento_MediaContentCatalog':
[Progress: 739 / 851]
Module 'Magento_MediaContentCms':
[Progress: 740 / 851]
Module 'Magento_MediaContentSynchronization':
[Progress: 741 / 851]
Module 'Magento_MediaContentSynchronizationApi':
[Progress: 742 / 851]
Module 'Magento_MediaContentSynchronizationCatalog':
[Progress: 743 / 851]
Module 'Magento_MediaContentSynchronizationCms':
[Progress: 744 / 851]
Module 'Magento_MediaGallery':
[Progress: 745 / 851]
Module 'Magento_MediaGalleryApi':
[Progress: 746 / 851]
Module 'Magento_MediaGalleryCatalog':
[Progress: 747 / 851]
Module 'Magento_MediaGalleryCatalogIntegration':
[Progress: 748 / 851]
Module 'Magento_MediaGalleryCatalogUi':
[Progress: 749 / 851]
Module 'Magento_MediaGalleryCmsUi':
[Progress: 750 / 851]
Module 'Magento_MediaGalleryIntegration':
[Progress: 751 / 851]
Module 'Magento_MediaGalleryMetadata':
[Progress: 752 / 851]
Module 'Magento_MediaGalleryMetadataApi':
[Progress: 753 / 851]
Module 'Magento_MediaGalleryRenditions':
[Progress: 754 / 851]
Module 'Magento_MediaGalleryRenditionsApi':
[Progress: 755 / 851]
Module 'Magento_MediaGallerySynchronization':
[Progress: 756 / 851]
Module 'Magento_MediaGallerySynchronizationApi':
[Progress: 757 / 851]
Module 'Magento_MediaGallerySynchronizationMetadata':
[Progress: 758 / 851]
Module 'Magento_MediaGalleryUi':
[Progress: 759 / 851]
Module 'Magento_MediaGalleryUiApi':
[Progress: 760 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Robots':
[Progress: 761 / 851]
Module 'Magento_MessageQueue':
[Progress: 762 / 851]
Module 'Magento_CatalogRuleConfigurable':
[Progress: 763 / 851]
Module 'Magento_MsrpConfigurableProduct':
[Progress: 764 / 851]
Module 'Magento_MsrpGroupedProduct':
[Progress: 765 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Multishipping':
[Progress: 766 / 851]
Module 'Magento_MysqlMq':
[Progress: 767 / 851]
Module 'Magento_NewRelicReporting':
[Progress: 768 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Newsletter':
[Progress: 769 / 851]
Module 'Magento_NewsletterGraphQl':
[Progress: 770 / 851]
Module 'Magento_OfflinePayments':
[Progress: 771 / 851]
Module 'Magento_SalesRule':
[Progress: 772 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Elasticsearch':
[Progress: 773 / 851]
Module 'Magento_GraphQlCache':
[Progress: 774 / 851]
Module 'Magento_CardinalCommerce':
[Progress: 775 / 851]
Module 'Magento_PaymentGraphQl':
[Progress: 776 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Vault':
[Progress: 777 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Paypal':
[Progress: 778 / 851]
Module 'Magento_PaypalGraphQl':
[Progress: 779 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Persistent':
[Progress: 780 / 851]
Module 'Magento_ProductAlert':
[Progress: 781 / 851]
Module 'Magento_ProductVideo':
[Progress: 782 / 851]
Module 'Magento_CheckoutAgreements':
[Progress: 783 / 851]
Module 'Magento_QuoteAnalytics':
[Progress: 784 / 851]
Module 'Magento_QuoteBundleOptions':
[Progress: 785 / 851]
Module 'Magento_QuoteConfigurableOptions':
[Progress: 786 / 851]
Module 'Magento_QuoteDownloadableLinks':
[Progress: 787 / 851]
Module 'Magento_ConfigurableProductGraphQl':
[Progress: 788 / 851]
Module 'Magento_RelatedProductGraphQl':
[Progress: 789 / 851]
Module 'Magento_ReleaseNotification':
[Progress: 790 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Sitemap':
[Progress: 791 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Reports':
[Progress: 792 / 851]
Module 'Magento_RequireJs':
[Progress: 793 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Review':
[Progress: 794 / 851]
Module 'Magento_ReviewAnalytics':
[Progress: 795 / 851]
Module 'Magento_ReviewGraphQl':
[Progress: 796 / 851]
Module 'Magento_MediaStorage':
[Progress: 797 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Rss':
[Progress: 798 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Elasticsearch7':
[Progress: 799 / 851]
Module 'Magento_ConfigurableProductSales':
[Progress: 800 / 851]
Module 'Magento_SalesAnalytics':
[Progress: 801 / 851]
Module 'Magento_SalesGraphQl':
[Progress: 802 / 851]
Module 'Magento_SalesInventory':
[Progress: 803 / 851]
Module 'Magento_OfflineShipping':
[Progress: 804 / 851]
Module 'Magento_ConfigurableImportExport':
[Progress: 805 / 851]
Module 'Magento_UrlRewrite':
[Progress: 806 / 851]
Module 'Magento_OpenSearch':
[Progress: 807 / 851]
Module 'Magento_CustomerAnalytics':
[Progress: 808 / 851]
Module 'Magento_SendFriend':
[Progress: 809 / 851]
Module 'Magento_SendFriendGraphQl':
[Progress: 810 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Shipping':
[Progress: 811 / 851]
Module 'Magento_RemoteStorage':
[Progress: 812 / 851]
Module 'Magento_AwsS3':
[Progress: 813 / 851]
Module 'Magento_UrlRewriteGraphQl':
[Progress: 814 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Webapi':
[Progress: 815 / 851]
Module 'Magento_SwaggerWebapi':
[Progress: 816 / 851]
Module 'Magento_SwaggerWebapiAsync':
[Progress: 817 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Swatches':
[Progress: 818 / 851]
Module 'Magento_SwatchesGraphQl':
[Progress: 819 / 851]
Module 'Magento_SwatchesLayeredNavigation':
[Progress: 820 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Tax':
[Progress: 821 / 851]
Module 'Magento_TaxGraphQl':
[Progress: 822 / 851]
Module 'Magento_TaxImportExport':
[Progress: 823 / 851]
Module 'Magento_CompareListGraphQl':
[Progress: 824 / 851]
Module 'Magento_ThemeGraphQl':
[Progress: 825 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Translation':
[Progress: 826 / 851]
Module 'Magento_GoogleOptimizer':
[Progress: 827 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Ups':
[Progress: 828 / 851]
Module 'Magento_SampleData':
[Progress: 829 / 851]
Module 'Magento_CatalogUrlRewriteGraphQl':
[Progress: 830 / 851]
Module 'Magento_CatalogAnalytics':
[Progress: 831 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Usps':
[Progress: 832 / 851]
Module 'Magento_CatalogInventoryGraphQl':
[Progress: 833 / 851]
Module 'Magento_PaypalCaptcha':
[Progress: 834 / 851]
Module 'Magento_VaultGraphQl':
[Progress: 835 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Version':
[Progress: 836 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Swagger':
[Progress: 837 / 851]
Module 'Magento_WebapiAsync':
[Progress: 838 / 851]
Module 'Magento_WebapiSecurity':
[Progress: 839 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Weee':
[Progress: 840 / 851]
Module 'Magento_WeeeGraphQl':
[Progress: 841 / 851]
Module 'Magento_CatalogWidget':
[Progress: 842 / 851]
Module 'Magento_Wishlist':
[Progress: 843 / 851]
Module 'Magento_WishlistAnalytics':
[Progress: 844 / 851]
Module 'Magento_WishlistGraphQl':
[Progress: 845 / 851]
Enabling caches:
Current status:
layout: 1
block_html: 1
full_page: 1
[Progress: 846 / 851]
Installing admin user...
[Progress: 847 / 851]
Caches clearing:
Cache cleared successfully
[Progress: 848 / 851]
Disabling Maintenance Mode:
[Progress: 849 / 851]
Post installation file permissions check...
For security, remove write permissions from these directories: '/home/jupyter-saintway/magento2/app/etc'
[Progress: 850 / 851]
Write installation date...
[Progress: 851 / 851]
[SUCCESS]: Magento installation complete.
[SUCCESS]: Magento Admin URI: /admin_1t4wii
Nothing to import.
In [ ]:
php -S localhost:8890 -t ~/magento2/pub/ ~/magento2/phpserver/router.php
[Thu Nov  2 14:54:31 2023] PHP 8.2.12 Development Server (http://localhost:8890) started
In [ ]:
php -S -t ~/magento2/pub/ ~/magento2/phpserver/router.php
In [ ]:
cd ~/magento2/ && bin/magento cron:install --force
Crontab has been generated and saved
In [ ]:
crontab -l
#~ MAGENTO START cd95fadb56f392d0664922423b5cc7cdcbb5f1741b53b8cf4af80c8de1136992
* * * * * /usr/bin/php8.2 /home/saintway/amemoba-kobe/bin/magento cron:run 2>&1 | grep -v "Ran jobs by schedule" >> /home/saintway/amemoba-kobe/var/log/magento.cron.log
#~ MAGENTO END cd95fadb56f392d0664922423b5cc7cdcbb5f1741b53b8cf4af80c8de1136992

In [ ]:
cd ~/magento2/ && bin/magento cron:run --group index
Ran jobs by schedule.
In [ ]:
cd ~/magento2/ && bin/magento cron:run --group default
Ran jobs by schedule.
In [ ]:
cd ~/magento2/ && bin/magento cron:remove
Magento cron tasks have been removed
In [ ]:
cd ~/magento2/ && bin/magento help setup:config:set
In [ ]:
cd ~/magento2/ && bin/magento help setup:store-config:set
In [ ]:
cd ~/magento2/ && bin/magento help config:set
In [ ]:
cd ~/magento2/ && bin/magento list
In [ ]:
cd ~/magento2/ && bin/magento app:config:status
In [ ]:
cd ~/magento2/ && bin/magento cache:clean
In [ ]:
cd ~/magento2/ && bin/magento cache:status
In [ ]:
cd ~/magento2/ && bin/magento deploy:mode:set developer
In [ ]:
cd ~/magento2/ && bin/magento deploy:mode:show
In [ ]:
cd ~/magento2/ && bin/magento config:set web/url/redirect_to_base 0
Value was saved.
In [ ]:
cd ~/magento2/ && bin/magento config:set web/seo/use_rewrites 0
Value was saved.
In [ ]:
cd ~/magento2/ && bin/magento config:set web/unsecure/base_url
Value was saved.
In [ ]:
cd ~/magento2/ && bin/magento config:set web/secure/base_url
Value was saved.
In [ ]:
cd ~/magento2/ && bin/magento config:set web/unsecure/base_url
Value was saved.
In [ ]:
cd ~/magento2/ && bin/magento config:set web/secure/base_url
Value was saved.
In [ ]:
cd ~/magento2/ && bin/magento config:show
catalog/search/engine - elasticsearch7
catalog/search/elasticsearch7_server_hostname - localhost
catalog/search/elasticsearch7_server_port - 9200
catalog/search/elasticsearch7_index_prefix - mobaichi
catalog/search/elasticsearch7_server_timeout - 15
catalog/category/root_id - 2
web/seo/use_rewrites - 0
web/unsecure/base_url -
web/unsecure/base_static_url - 
web/unsecure/base_media_url - 
web/secure/base_url -
web/secure/base_static_url - 
web/secure/base_media_url - 
web/secure/enable_hsts - 0
web/secure/enable_upgrade_insecure - 0
web/default_layouts/default_product_layout - 
web/default_layouts/default_category_layout - 
web/default_layouts/default_cms_layout - 1column
web/cookie/cookie_path - 
web/cookie/cookie_domain - 
web/cookie/cookie_httponly - 1
web/url/redirect_to_base - 0
general/locale/code - ja_JP
general/locale/timezone - Asia/Tokyo
general/region/display_all - 1
currency/options/base - JPY
currency/options/default - JPY
currency/options/allow - JPY
analytics/subscription/enabled - 1
analytics/general/token - V8pH4aChkpnbnyrVHz7cpdqvcUAsB2Cx4XGM2OtPnozajEVcbB5j4e-IxRoy7pTyopfGHAcfSKcFFb8cCB8_fg
crontab/default/jobs/analytics_collect_data/schedule/cron_expr - 00 02 * * *
crontab/default/jobs/analytics_update/schedule/cron_expr - 0 * * * *
admin/usage/enabled - 0
paypal/general/merchant_country - JP
paypal/general/business_account - 
paypal/wpp/api_authentication - 0
paypal/wpp/api_username - 
paypal/wpp/api_password - 
paypal/wpp/api_signature - 
paypal/wpp/sandbox_flag - 0
paypal/wpp/use_proxy - 0
paypal/wpp/button_flavor - dynamic
paypal/fetch_reports/ftp_login - 
paypal/fetch_reports/ftp_password - 
paypal/fetch_reports/ftp_sandbox - 0
paypal/fetch_reports/ftp_ip - 
paypal/fetch_reports/ftp_path - 
paypal/fetch_reports/active - 0
paypal/fetch_reports/schedule - 1
paypal/fetch_reports/time - 00,00,00
paypal/style/logo - 
paypal/style/page_style - 
paypal/style/paypal_hdrimg - 
paypal/style/paypal_hdrbackcolor - 
paypal/style/paypal_hdrbordercolor - 
paypal/style/paypal_payflowcolor - 
paypal/style/checkout_page_button_customize - 0
paypal/style/product_page_button_customize - 0
paypal/style/cart_page_button_customize - 0
paypal/style/mini_cart_page_button_customize - 0
paypal/style/disable_funding_options - 
payment/komoju_payments/active - 1
payment/komoju_payments/merchant_id - d7b3l2bsi5k6jpnb6ekzc1zjl
payment/komoju_payments/secret_key - ******
payment/komoju_payments/webhook_secret_token - ******
payment/komoju_payments/title - コンビニ・クレジットカード決済
payment/komoju_payments/show_title - 1
payment/paypal_express/active - 0
payment/paypal_express/in_context - 0
payment/paypal_express/title - PayPal Express Checkout
payment/paypal_express/sort_order - 
payment/paypal_express/payment_action - Authorization
payment/paypal_express/visible_on_product - 1
payment/paypal_express/visible_on_cart - 1
payment/paypal_express/allowspecific - 0
payment/paypal_express/debug - 0
payment/paypal_express/verify_peer - 1
payment/paypal_express/line_items_enabled - 1
payment/paypal_express/transfer_shipping_options - 0
payment/paypal_express/solution_type - Mark
payment/paypal_express/require_billing_address - 0
payment/paypal_express/allow_ba_signup - never
payment/paypal_express/skip_order_review_step - 1
payment/paypal_paylater/experience_active - 0
payment/paypal_express_bml/publisher_id - 
payment/paypal_express_bml/homepage_display - 0
payment/paypal_express_bml/homepage_position - 0
payment/paypal_express_bml/homepage_size - 190x100
payment/paypal_express_bml/categorypage_display - 0
payment/paypal_express_bml/categorypage_position - 0
payment/paypal_express_bml/categorypage_size - 190x100
payment/paypal_express_bml/productpage_display - 0
payment/paypal_express_bml/productpage_position - 0
payment/paypal_express_bml/productpage_size - 190x100
payment/paypal_express_bml/checkout_display - 0
payment/paypal_express_bml/checkout_position - 0
payment/paypal_express_bml/checkout_size - 234x60
payment/paypal_billing_agreement/active - 1
payment/paypal_billing_agreement/title - PayPal Billing Agreement
payment/paypal_billing_agreement/sort_order - 
payment/paypal_billing_agreement/payment_action - Authorization
payment/paypal_billing_agreement/allowspecific - 0
payment/paypal_billing_agreement/debug - 0
payment/paypal_billing_agreement/verify_peer - 1
payment/paypal_billing_agreement/line_items_enabled - 0
payment/paypal_billing_agreement/allow_billing_agreement_wizard - 1
payment/payflow_express/active - 0
payment/payflow_express/title - PayPal Express Checkout Payflow Edition
payment/payflow_express/sort_order - 
payment/payflow_express/payment_action - Authorization
payment/payflow_express/visible_on_product - 1
payment/payflow_express/visible_on_cart - 1
payment/payflow_express/allowspecific - 0
payment/payflow_express/debug - 0
payment/payflow_express/verify_peer - 1
payment/payflow_express/line_items_enabled - 1
payment/payflow_advanced/active - 0
payment/payflow_advanced/partner - PayPal
payment/payflow_advanced/vendor - PayPal
payment/payflow_advanced/user - 
payment/payflow_advanced/pwd - 
payment/payflow_advanced/sandbox_flag - 0
payment/payflow_advanced/use_proxy - 0
payment/payflow_advanced/title - Credit Card (Payflow Advanced)
payment/payflow_advanced/sort_order - 
payment/payflow_advanced/payment_action - Authorization
payment/payflow_advanced/allowspecific - 0
payment/payflow_advanced/debug - 0
payment/payflow_advanced/verify_peer - 1
payment/payflow_advanced/csc_editable - 1
payment/payflow_advanced/csc_required - 1
payment/payflow_advanced/email_confirmation - 0
payment/payflow_advanced/url_method - GET
payment/payflow_express_bml/active - 0
payment/paypal_payment_pro/active - 0
payment/payflowpro_cc_vault/active - 0
payment/payflowpro_cc_vault/title - Stored Cards (Payflow Pro)
payment/payflowpro/partner - 
payment/payflowpro/user - 
payment/payflowpro/vendor - 
payment/payflowpro/pwd - 
payment/payflowpro/sandbox_flag - 0
payment/payflowpro/use_proxy - 0
payment/payflowpro/title - Credit Card (Payflow Pro)
payment/payflowpro/sort_order - 
payment/payflowpro/payment_action - Authorization
payment/payflowpro/cctypes - AE,VI
payment/payflowpro/allowspecific - 0
payment/payflowpro/debug - 0
payment/payflowpro/verify_peer - 1
payment/payflowpro/useccv - 1
payment/payflowpro/fmf - 0
payment/payflowpro/avs_street - 0
payment/payflowpro/avs_zip - 0
payment/payflowpro/avs_international - 0
payment/payflowpro/avs_security_code - 1
payment/payflowpro/active - 0
payment/wps_express/active - 0
payment/wps_express_bml/active - 0
payment/payflow_link/active - 0
payment/payflow_link/partner - PayPal
payment/payflow_link/vendor - 
payment/payflow_link/user - 
payment/payflow_link/pwd - 
payment/payflow_link/sandbox_flag - 0
payment/payflow_link/use_proxy - 0
payment/payflow_link/title - Credit Card (Payflow Link)
payment/payflow_link/sort_order - 
payment/payflow_link/payment_action - Authorization
payment/payflow_link/allowspecific - 0
payment/payflow_link/debug - 0
payment/payflow_link/verify_peer - 1
payment/payflow_link/csc_editable - 1
payment/payflow_link/csc_required - 1
payment/payflow_link/email_confirmation - 0
payment/payflow_link/url_method - GET
payment/free/specificcountry - 
payment/checkmo/active - 0
payment/checkmo/specificcountry - 
payment/checkmo/payable_to - 
payment/checkmo/mailing_address - 
payment/checkmo/min_order_total - 
payment/checkmo/max_order_total - 
payment/checkmo/sort_order - 
payment/banktransfer/specificcountry - 
payment/banktransfer/instructions - 
payment/banktransfer/min_order_total - 
payment/banktransfer/max_order_total - 
payment/banktransfer/sort_order - 
payment/cashondelivery/specificcountry - 
payment/cashondelivery/instructions - 
payment/cashondelivery/min_order_total - 
payment/cashondelivery/max_order_total - 
payment/cashondelivery/sort_order - 
payment/purchaseorder/specificcountry - 
payment/purchaseorder/min_order_total - 
payment/purchaseorder/max_order_total - 
payment/purchaseorder/sort_order - 
payment/hosted_pro/active - 0
payment/hosted_pro/title - Payment by cards or by PayPal account
payment/hosted_pro/sort_order - 
payment/hosted_pro/payment_action - Authorization
payment/hosted_pro/display_ec - 0
payment/hosted_pro/allowspecific - 0
payment/hosted_pro/debug - 0
payment/hosted_pro/verify_peer - 1
In [ ]:
git clone ~/amemoba-kobe/app/i18n/Magento
In [ ]:
cd ~/amemoba-kobe && bin/magento cache:clean
In [ ]:
rm ~/amemoba-kobe/pub/static/adminhtml/Magento/backend/zh_Hans_CN/js-translation.json
rm ~/amemoba-kobe/pub/static/frontend/Magento/luma/zh_Hans_CN/js-translation.json
In [ ]:
cd ~/amemoba-kobe && bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy -f zh_Hans_CN
cd ~/amemoba-kobe && bin/magento cache:flush
In [ ]:
cd /mnt/d && git clone magento-ja
Cloning into 'magento-ja'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 114, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (16/16), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (13/13), done.
remote: Total 114 (delta 4), reused 9 (delta 3), pack-reused 98
Receiving objects: 100% (114/114), 1.56 MiB | 5.37 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (53/53), done.
In [ ]:
mkdir -p ~/amemoba-kobe/app/i18n/Magento/ja_JP/
cp /mnt/d/magento-ja/composer.json ~/amemoba-kobe/app/i18n/Magento/ja_JP/
cp /mnt/d/magento-ja/language.xml ~/amemoba-kobe/app/i18n/Magento/ja_JP/
cp /mnt/d/magento-ja/LICENSE.txt ~/amemoba-kobe/app/i18n/Magento/ja_JP/
cp /mnt/d/magento-ja/LICENSE_AFL.txt ~/amemoba-kobe/app/i18n/Magento/ja_JP/
cp /mnt/d/magento-ja/registration.php ~/amemoba-kobe/app/i18n/Magento/ja_JP/
In [ ]:
cp /mnt/d/magento-ja/ja_JP.csv ~/amemoba-kobe/app/i18n/Magento/ja_JP/
In [ ]:
cd ~/amemoba-kobe && bin/magento cache:clean
In [ ]:
rm ~/amemoba-kobe/pub/static/adminhtml/Magento/backend/ja_JP/js-translation.json
rm ~/amemoba-kobe/pub/static/frontend/Magento/luma/ja_JP/js-translation.json
In [ ]:
cd ~/amemoba-kobe && bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy -f ja_JP
cd ~/amemoba-kobe && bin/magento cache:flush
In [ ]:
git clone ~/komoju
Cloning into '/home/jupyter-saintway/komoju'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 1991, done.        
remote: Counting objects: 100% (1/1), done.        
remote: Total 1991 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 1990        
Receiving objects: 100% (1991/1991), 2.53 MiB | 13.93 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (844/844), done.
In [ ]:
cp -r ~/komoju/src/app/code/Komoju ~/magento2/app/code
In [ ]:
cd ~/magento2 && bin/magento setup:upgrade
cd ~/magento2 && bin/magento setup:di:compile
cd ~/magento2 && bin/magento cache:flush
In [ ]:
cd ~/magento2 && bin/magento -f setup:static-content:deploy
In [ ]:
sudo apt update
sudo apt install nodejs
sudo apt install npm
In [ ]:
npm -v
In [ ]:
curl -o- | bash
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
100 15916  100 15916    0     0  44046      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 44088
=> Downloading nvm from git to '/home/saintway/.nvm'
=> Cloning into '/home/saintway/.nvm'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 360, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (360/360), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (306/306), done.
remote: Total 360 (delta 41), reused 166 (delta 28), pack-reused 0
Receiving objects: 100% (360/360), 220.81 KiB | 5.52 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (41/41), done.
* (HEAD detached at FETCH_HEAD)
=> Compressing and cleaning up git repository

=> Appending nvm source string to /home/saintway/.bashrc
=> Appending bash_completion source string to /home/saintway/.bashrc
=> Close and reopen your terminal to start using nvm or run the following to use it now:

export NVM_DIR="$HOME/.nvm"
[ -s "$NVM_DIR/" ] && \. "$NVM_DIR/"  # This loads nvm
[ -s "$NVM_DIR/bash_completion" ] && \. "$NVM_DIR/bash_completion"  # This loads nvm bash_completion
In [ ]:
nvm install 14
Downloading and installing node v14.21.3...
######################################################################### 100.0%                                                                           0.1%
Computing checksum with sha256sum
Checksums matched!
Now using node v14.21.3 (npm v6.14.18)
Creating default alias: default -> 14 (-> v14.21.3)
In [ ]:
node -v
In [ ]:
npm install hexo-cli -g
In [ ]:
hexo init ~/amemoba-kansai
In [ ]:
cd ~/amemoba-kansai && npm install
In [ ]:
git clone ~/amemoba-kansai/themes/redefine
Cloning into '/home/saintway/amemoba-kansai/themes/redefine'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 5374, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (1475/1475), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (443/443), done.
remote: Total 5374 (delta 1118), reused 1219 (delta 1020), pack-reused 3899
Receiving objects: 100% (5374/5374), 42.71 MiB | 12.94 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (3608/3608), done.
In [ ]:
wget -O ~/amemoba-kansai/themes/redefine/source/images/amemoba-favicon.ico
--2023-10-22 14:15:55--
Resolving (
Connecting to (||:443... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 4286 (4.2K) [image/]
Saving to: ‘/home/saintway/amemoba-kansai/themes/redefine/source/images/amemoba-favicon.ico’

/home/saintway/amem 100%[===================>]   4.19K  --.-KB/s    in 0s      

2023-10-22 14:15:55 (1.25 GB/s) - ‘/home/saintway/amemoba-kansai/themes/redefine/source/images/amemoba-favicon.ico’ saved [4286/4286]

In [ ]:
wget -O ~/amemoba-kansai/themes/redefine/source/images/amemoba-avatar.png
--2023-10-22 14:39:07--
Resolving (
Connecting to (||:443... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 34002 (33K) [image/png]
Saving to: ‘/home/saintway/amemoba-kansai/themes/redefine/source/images/amemoba-avatar.png’

/home/saintway/amem 100%[===================>]  33.21K  --.-KB/s    in 0.001s  

2023-10-22 14:39:07 (21.7 MB/s) - ‘/home/saintway/amemoba-kansai/themes/redefine/source/images/amemoba-avatar.png’ saved [34002/34002]

In [ ]:
cd ~/amemoba-kansai && hexo server
INFO  Validating config
INFO  Start processing
INFO  Hexo is running at http://localhost:4000/ . Press Ctrl+C to stop.
      ______ __  __  ______  __    __  ______                       
     /\__  _/\ \_\ \/\  ___\/\ "-./  \/\  ___\                      
     \/_/\ \\ \  __ \ \  __\\ \ \-./\ \ \  __\                      
        \ \_\\ \_\ \_\ \_____\ \_\ \ \_\ \_____\                    
         \/_/ \/_/\/_/\/_____/\/_/  \/_/\/_____/                    
 ______  ______  _____   ______  ______ __  __   __  ______    
/\  == \/\  ___\/\  __-./\  ___\/\  ___/\ \/\ "-.\ \/\  ___\   
\ \  __<\ \  __\\ \ \/\ \ \  __\\ \  __\ \ \ \ \-.  \ \  __\   
 \ \_\ \_\ \_____\ \____-\ \_____\ \_\  \ \_\ \_\\"\_\ \_____\ 
  \/_/ /_/\/_____/\/____/ \/_____/\/_/   \/_/\/_/ \/_/\/_____/
      current version is v2.5.0,latest version is v2.5.0
In [ ]:
cd ~/amemoba-kansai && npm install hexo-deployer-git --save


In [ ]:
wget -O ~/amemoba-kansai/themes/keep/source/images/amemoba-favicon.ico
--2023-11-08 19:16:54--
Resolving (
Connecting to (||:443... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 4286 (4.2K) [image/]
Saving to: ‘/home/saintway/amemoba-kansai/themes/keep/source/images/amemoba-favicon.ico’

/home/saintway/amem 100%[===================>]   4.19K  --.-KB/s    in 0s      

2023-11-08 19:16:54 (889 MB/s) - ‘/home/saintway/amemoba-kansai/themes/keep/source/images/amemoba-favicon.ico’ saved [4286/4286]

In [ ]:
pip install pillow
Defaulting to user installation because normal site-packages is not writeable
Collecting pillow
  Downloading Pillow-10.1.0-cp310-cp310-manylinux_2_28_x86_64.whl (3.6 MB)
     ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 3.6/3.6 MB 7.1 MB/s eta 0:00:00[36m0:00:01[36m0:00:01
Installing collected packages: pillow
Successfully installed pillow-10.1.0


In [ ]:
from PIL import Image

# 打开图片
image ='/home/saintway/amemoba-kansai/themes/keep/source/images/amemoba-favicon.png')

# 将图像转换为 RGBA 模式(如果尚未为 RGBA)
image = image.convert('RGBA')

# 获取图片的尺寸
width, height = image.size

# 处理每个像素
for x in range(width):
    for y in range(height):
        r, g, b, a = image.getpixel((x, y))

        # 判断像素是否为红色(根据具体情况来判断颜色)
        if r > 150 and g < 100 and b < 100:
            # 将红色部分替换为蓝色
            image.putpixel((x, y), (b, g, r, a))  # 设置像素为蓝色并保持原透明度
            # 在新图像上复制原图的非红色部分
            image.putpixel((x, y), (r, g, b, a))

# 保存修改后的图片'/home/saintway/amemoba-kansai/themes/keep/source/images/amemoba-favicon.png')


In [ ]:
wget -O ~/amemoba-kansai/themes/keep/source/images/amemoba-avatar.png
--2023-11-08 17:25:09--
Resolving (
Connecting to (||:443... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 34002 (33K) [image/png]
Saving to: ‘/home/saintway/amemoba-kansai/themes/keep/source/images/amemoba-avatar.png’

/home/saintway/amem 100%[===================>]  33.21K  --.-KB/s    in 0s      

2023-11-08 17:25:09 (84.7 MB/s) - ‘/home/saintway/amemoba-kansai/themes/keep/source/images/amemoba-avatar.png’ saved [34002/34002]


In [ ]:
from PIL import Image

# 打开图片
image ='/home/saintway/amemoba-kansai/themes/keep/source/images/amemoba-avatar.png')

# 将图像转换为 RGBA 模式(如果尚未为 RGBA)
image = image.convert('RGBA')

# 获取图片的尺寸
width, height = image.size

# 处理每个像素
for x in range(width):
    for y in range(height):
        r, g, b, a = image.getpixel((x, y))

        # 判断像素是否为红色(根据具体情况来判断颜色)
        if r > 150 and g < 100 and b < 100:
            # 将红色部分替换为蓝色
            image.putpixel((x, y), (b, g, r, a))  # 设置像素为蓝色并保持原透明度
            # 在新图像上复制原图的非红色部分
            image.putpixel((x, y), (r, g, b, a))

# 保存修改后的图片'/home/saintway/amemoba-kansai/themes/keep/source/images/amemoba-avatar.png')
In [ ]:
from PIL import Image

# 打开图片
image ='/home/saintway/amemoba-kansai/themes/keep/source/images/amemoba-avatar.png')

# 将图像转换为 RGBA 模式(如果尚未为 RGBA)
image = image.convert('RGBA')

# 获取图片的尺寸
width, height = image.size

# 处理每个像素
for x in range(width):
    for y in range(height):
        r, g, b, a = image.getpixel((x, y))

        # 判断像素是否为蓝色(根据具体情况来判断颜色)
        if r < 100 and g < 100 and b > 150:
            # 将蓝色部分替换为红色
            image.putpixel((x, y), (b, g, r, a))  # 设置像素为红色并保持原透明度
            # 在新图像上复制原图的非蓝色部分
            image.putpixel((x, y), (r, g, b, a))

# 保存修改后的图片'/home/saintway/amemoba-kansai/themes/keep/source/images/amemoba-avatar.png')
In [ ]:

